Painting 28 Paintings on my 28th Birthday: THE STORY

6am on my birthday, ready to start painting!

6am on my birthday, ready to start painting!

A year ago today, I did something crazy and very challenging. I painted 28 paintings in one day! It's about time I share how that day went. 

First, I’d like to share, or rather admit, something to you that you should know about me. I’m a dedicated person. When I make up my mind to do something, I’m committed to do it, whatever the cost mentally, emotionally, or physically. I am very ambitious and I often take on more than I should, especially when it comes to art. When I think back to art projects that took what seemed endless amounts of time I still think about how crazy I was to do that. This is one of those times.

My birthday falls on the first week of February. This year my husband hadn’t checked his work schedule to make sure he was off that day at a decent time. I know, gasp, judge, but military life-- the work schedule changes, it’s not always 8am-5pm and it’s hard to change once the week is set. I discovered this news a few days before my birthday. Instead of being sad about it I thought I should do something productive and awesome on my day, even if I was physically alone.  


Two days before the big day I had this crazy idea: Paint 28 paintings in one day. I don’t care how small or simple the work is, that is still a lot of thinking, sitting, and working! Well, I felt up for the challenge. I thought it would be a great way to start the year. 

The day before the project I picked out 28 images to work from, prepped my paper, paint colors, and calculated that I would spend no more than 20 minutes on each painting. I shared my ambitious idea with my friends, family, and fans on facebook and instagram the day before. I promised to share my progress throughout the day.

The morning of my birthday I woke up at 5:45 and started the first painting at 6am. I had a timer set and started working! 

Morning Progress!

Morning Progress!

By noon I was feeling the exhaustion set in. Stopping only for a 15 minute breakfast and lunch, and a few update postings on social media. I was determined to finish before the end of the day. I did have a friend stop by to see how I was doing and to take a few pictures of me painting but other then that I spent my day painting away.

At 9:30 pm, I finished the final painting. My husband had just come home with a cupcake and decorations to end the day and celebrate finishing the challenge! 

Finished! 28 paintings in one day. Sizes vary from 2x3 inches to 8x10 inches. 

Finished! 28 paintings in one day. Sizes vary from 2x3 inches to 8x10 inches. 

My neck, shoulders, and back felt all the strain by the end of the day. But let me tell you… it was such an awesome feeling to see all 28 paintings lined up together that evening. And even better, I loved all of them. I wasn’t expecting them to be very good when I set out on this challenge, but there was something beautiful and fresh about them. I learned a lot from this project; painting techniques, my process, and experiencing the thoughts and feelings of being so consumed by creating art. I also loved sharing this birthday virtually with my friends, family, and fans following along with my progress posts. I couldn’t have done this project alone without anyone knowing. It was the excitement of doing something half crazy and sharing it with others that helped me finish the project. Thank YOU!

What are some of your favorite birthday projects, or activities that you’ve done? Or ones you’d like to try next time?

The pictures of these paintings aren't yet in my portfolio but to see better images of the paintings visit me on Facebook or instagram. @annastasha

